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‘Breast Cancer Doesn’t Wait’

Research has found that many women are not prioritising their health amidst the busyness of their lives and therefore do not participate in regular breast screening. In response to this, the Cancer Institute NSW has developed a new behaviour change campaign to motivate women aged 50–to 74 in NSW to book a breast screen when due.

The campaign warns women that ‘while you’re living life, breast cancer doesn’t wait,’ and encourages them to prioritise having a breast screen despite their busy schedules.

The campaign will run from September to December 2023 across a range of mass media channels including television, radio (voiced by Australian entertainers, Amanda Keller and Kat Stewart), outdoor advertising, online video, digital display, paid search, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest).

Watch the 'Breast Cancer Doesn't Wait' video below.

Why we need a campaign

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in NSW, with 1 in 7 women developing breast cancer in their lifetime.[1] In 2020 alone, breast cancer claimed the lives of 1,024 women in the state.[2] Despite this, more than 620,000 NSW women in the target age group of 50–to74 years have not had their recommended breast screen in the past two years (as at July 2023)[3] and participation rates have not fully recovered from the significant impact that COVID–to19 had on the service.

More than 50% of women in NSW aged 50–74 have not had their recommended breast screen in the past two years.

Campaign audience

Primary audience: Women in NSW aged 50–59

Secondary audience: Women in NSW aged 60–74

Focus populations: Culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD) women in NSW, aged 50-74, specifically Cantonese-speaking and Mandarin-speaking.  

Key campaign messages

  • While you’re living life, breast cancer doesn’t wait.
  • For women aged 50–to74, a breast screen is the best way to find breast cancer early – before you can notice a change or feel a lump.
  • Early detection of breast cancer increases your chance of survival.
  • Women can have breast cancer without any symptoms.
  • A breast screen with BreastScreen NSW is free and an appointment only takes 20 minutes, every 2 years.
  • There are over 250 screening locations across NSW.

Key call to actions

About BreastScreen NSW

  • We are a population-based screening program that provides free breast screens to women aged 40+. Our aim is to improve survival rates of women by detecting breast cancer early. The Cancer Institute NSW manage the BreastScreen NSW Coordination Unit. The program is delivered by nine Screening and Assessment Services at over 250 locations across NSW

Further information

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