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Contact us

Send us a message

By clicking ‘Send Message’, you are agreeing to the BreastScreen NSW Privacy Policy

By clicking ‘Send Message’, you are agreeing to the BreastScreen NSW Privacy Policy

Our service aims to detect breast cancer early, before it has a chance to spread. Don’t delay, book a breast screen today.


Call 13 20 50 to book a breast screen or to talk to us.   

If you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone, you can contact BreastScreen NSW using the following National Relay Services (NRS):  

TIS symbol If you need a language interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask for BreastScreen NSW.


Write to

BreastScreen NSW, Locked Bag 2030, St Leonards, NSW, 1590.


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